01 August 2012

Hero Preview 1 - Zombie Lad

Name: Zombie Lad
Team: Guild of Ghouls
Rank: Sidekick

Catchphrase: "Brains..."
Arch enemy: The Brain
First appearance: Brains #1, 1957

Origin: Growing up, Brian knew he was different. But it wasn’t until his sixteenth birthday that Ma and Pa Brent told him he was actually... dead. The detachable limbs and appetite for offal suddenly made sense! With a renewed sense of confidence, Brian became Zombie Lad, and devoted his life to fighting for the rights of dead people everywhere!

Health: 4 ..  Movement: 1

Arrival power: 
Sudden Strangle: Stun opposite hero.

Attack power:
Bite 'n' Chew: Opposite hero loses 1 health.

Special power:
Graveyard Grapple: Stun opposite hero after attack.

Zombie Lad doesn't have much health or a very strong attack, but if used carefully he can take any hero down! Just like in the movies, this zombie is most dangerous when using the element of surprise. When he arrives, Zombie Lad strangles the opposite hero, automatically stunning him for a turn. Then, after every successful attack, the opponent is also stunned. As long as Zombie lad is grappling his enemy like this, he can keep chewing away until he finally gets what he's after... brains! 

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