Hello and welcome to Pack of Heroes! I thought this would be a fun place to chronicle the development of the game, and introduce its characters to everyone. But lets start the story by going way back in time...
I suppose the earliest version of Pack of Heroes goes way back to when I was 12 or so. My brother, cousin and I often designed silly little board and card games, and one (which we had multiple versions of over the years) was simply known as 'the fighting game'! It was more or less our own version of Top Trumps, but each card was a character, and in each round, everyone played a character from their hand, and all of them fought! The fun thing about this game was we could always add new cards whenever we liked (almost like a primitive collectible card game!) So, if we thought of an idea for a fun character, we'd draw him or her on a piece of paper, come up with his stats and add him to the game. Sometimes the characters were superheroes, sometimes they were fantasy characters or creatures, and sometimes they were just plain weird. I remember a bizarre Kool-Aid Man type guy, known only as "Juggy"!
Kool-Aid Man, the godfather of Pack of Heroes. Why is he holding a jug of himself!? |
So when I got into 'serious' game design around 2007, my mind wandered back to this old game. I still really liked the idea of each card in a game being a character, with his own personality, stats and fighting style. I thought tying the theme down to the superhero genre would be best, as there is so much creative space to work with given the history of comic books, as well as plenty of room to keep things fun (and even funny).
The earliest notes I have are very basic, and I don't think I even got an actual prototype up and running until 2008 or 2009. Needless to say, this game has been my 'on the back-burner' design - something constantly bubbling away in the background as I designed other things. It never quite took off and became ready to focus on, but it also never went away.
But this year, the idea re-emerged! A whole new approach to the fighting mechanic finally brought the game to a level where I thought it was ready for serious development. There'll be more stories about how this game came to be later on, but I thought I had to start with a nod to 'the fighting game' that started it all!